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Difference Between Being Present And Being Mindful?

by Jit Biswa


Hi Adam,

What is the difference between being present and being mindful?


Hi. No difference, both are the same. Both could be explained in different ways.

Mindfulness is allowing whatever the experience may be, without judging it or trying to change it. Being present is the same thing. They actually don't require any effort, they are more a relinquishing of trying to change or get involved in whatever forms may be playing out, either "inside" or "outside". They are not personal either, no person is responsible for presence or mindfulness, it is the natural state, in which the personal self arises from.

They are just gateways to knowing yourself. Once the attention is not so interested in trying to manipulate the transient experiences, it can turn back on itself, to know the source and substratum of experience, which could be called presence, or could even be called prior to presence. But to talk about any of it is quite futile, since it can just add more ideas.

Someone else may give you a different answer, but for me, mindfulness and being present are the same. They are not activities or exertions, they are more a relinquishment of judgement, resistance and expectation for the next experience.

Thanks for your question,


Comments for Difference Between Being Present And Being Mindful?

(from previous website)

Aug 04, 2014
Difference between being present and being mindfl 
by: Jit Biswa

Thanks Adam for your clarification. I try mindfulness every moment but at times I get carried away by my mind to either my past or into my future.

Aug 04, 2014
by: Adam -

Sure. If the attention gets lost in thinking, this doesn't matter. Let this be as well.

Aug 04, 2014
by: Adam -

Sure. If the attention gets lost in thinking, this doesn't matter. Let this be as well.