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How To Take Action On My Planned Tasks?

by Srima


Hi Adam,

I am a meditator of 35 years and have understood that value of "being the witness" of all that goes on inside and outside of me with detachment. But there is one area of life that seems to niggle and I thought I would ask for your help.

I find I have a lot of energy while planning something to do and I tend to make good plans that seem aligned to my intuition. But when it comes to act, I just cannot get myself to act. I feel sluggish, as if all my energy is drained. 

I find myself watching and being with these thoughts and letting them happen. But that's about all I am able to do - just watch. 

Life does need us to take action to put food on the table, to get things done for the home and family, for many personal activities. But although intellectually I can see all that's happening dispassionately, and go with it without resisting, it ends up as complete inaction. I sometimes see thoughts asking why there is this sluggishness, but it then becomes an intellectual meandering with no answers and even that thinking makes it tiresome. So I just watch and let go.

What is the issue here? And how do I deal with this?

Thanks for your guidance.



I’m not sure what the plans are that you mean. Do you mean basic tasks, like buying food to put it on the table? Do you mean planning something new and creative to improve your life? I’m not sure what to say, since maybe the answer would vary depending on what kind of plans they are, but I could say a few things:

Sometimes the plans that we make that we think are great do not fit in with the flow of life when we come to do them. Or, perhaps there is some resistance to action because of the mental idea of doing it all at once, trying to achieve something or doing it perfectly becomes too daunting? Perhaps the plans you’ve made are just not necessary?

If it is anything creative, planning can suffocate it. Setting out to achieve a certain thing can sometimes dampen what actually wants to spontaneously come through. If you gave me an example of your plans, maybe I could give you a more detailed response, but I feel I can only reflect the details of your question.

Of course a simple tip is to just do one thing, without caring about achieving an end result. For example if someone wanted to write a book, they could just start writing, not saying to themselves “I will write for an hour and get 1000 words written”, but just write, just start, just start moving. Sometimes just making a start and going with it can break the dam of resistance, and energy can begin to pour out. If your plans are more achievement-based than action-based, then perhaps this would hinder action.

So if you would like to give me more details for perhaps a more detailed response, then feel free. If not, then all the best,



Comments for How To Take Action On My Planned Tasks?

(from previous website)

Jan 31, 2016
Regarding my question on following up plans with action 
by: Srima

Thanks Adam, 

I found your answer helpful - very much so. By plans I meant all the many small and big things to do from the very mundane to the creative. I find myself losing enthusiasm or energy when it comes to the doing. 

Perhaps, as you say, I have to observe and see if any signs as to WHY the task feels troublesome appear to make sense. See if some answer spontaneously arises. 

I just tried that ... and find that after any form of thinking - or observation of thinking - my mind wants to just subside into nothingness and be still - which is just the opposite of acting! 



Jan 31, 2016
by: Adam -

But in that stillness, from that nothingness, action can spring. That nothingness is not actually affected by activity, as long as activity is not resisted. You may also begin to find that planning is not so necessary any more. Your attention falls back into the intelligence of creation, where action can appear and flow far better than when you were trying to plan everything out. You can move more easily from intuition, in the moment, without prediction, rather than planning what you think you will be doing later on. 

With that said, inaction is fine as well. There is certainly time allowed for inaction. Perhaps you have been busy for many years, perhaps it is due time to relax. From that inactivity, as I have already said, new things can flow. Inspiration comes from stillness far more powerfully than it does from noise. Our culture, at least in the west, overlooks inactivity as simply useless or lazy, but it is the source of new ideas. 

And then you are more in touch with the real-time of the universe, the natural unfolding of things, rather than mentally segregating your life off from the whole, trying to do it all by yourself. 

Thanks for getting in touch, 


Feb 01, 2016
True that brother!! NEW
by: Deborah Kerr

I have had a horrible time trying to teach myself to be domestic ( general upkee and care of my home and belongings ). I know it would feel so much better to be... even generally good at this, but it is the greatest test of my will power to achieve it???? How come??

Feb 01, 2016
Thanks Adam NEW
by: Srima


That is beautiful and very uplifting when you wrote that "stillness" can be the birth of new actions. 

You are right and I know that intuitively. Perhaps as you said I have been too busy doing the wrong things or too much and I need the quiet to be able to look afresh at where life is taking me! 

Thanks a million! 

