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Your Relationship With The Universe

You may have heard the advice:

Ask yourself - what is your relationship with the present moment? Are you in resistance or are you in alignment? Are you fighting the present moment or allowing it and therefore being moved by it?

A similar question that might lead to even more powerful results is:

What is your relationship with the universe?

If you ask yourself honestly, you might discover resistance that you didn't know was there. Often we are trained to have a fearful relationship with the world, and this fear is usually based around some kind of lack.

If you discover your relationship with the universe is antagonistic in some way - you don’t have to change it. But asking the question and being aware of the answer might allow you to let go of something you didn’t realise was there.

You might instead discover that your relationship with the universe is good - it is loving or appreciative or thankful - and the question above will help to enhance this.

You can have a fearful relationship with the universe if that is what you choose. Or if you want, you can invite a different one. On realising your relationship with the universe is not how you actually want it to be, it can be shifted if you have the desire and the willingness to experience something else.

Just asking the question: "What is my relationship with the universe" has a way of expanding your mind and opening your heart so that you can experience a fresh intelligence that wants to bring your energy into harmony again.

I’m reminded of the Albert Einstein quote:

Try it out. Let your relationship with the universe become an easier one if you want it to be.

Hope that helps,
