Your Own Power

Be aware of how much power you have.

So much of what you think is troubling you, is coming from you.

Notice your own mind, what it does, what it creates, how it reacts. Notice that whenever you think about someone or something you don’t like, or are dreading, that it is ALL COMING FROM YOUR OWN MIND.

Noticing that it is all coming from your own mind is the key. We can spend a lifetime feeling disempowered, a victim of things outside ourselves. Notice how much of your life comes from you, how so much of your experience is simply how you’ve been trained to think and react, what you’ve been told is real and what you’ve been told is not.

Notice how much of your inner world is strangely similar to your mother’s or your father’s. Notice their voices and opinions in your head. Use them if they are helpful, notice if they are not.

Don’t be a clone. See the power of your own mind. Everything happens inside of you.

Know how much power you have.