Social Anxiety And Insecurity

In addition to last week’s article on self-acceptance, here is something for anyone who deals with social anxiety or a feeling of inferiority around others:

A lot of insecurity can come from approaching a situation and trying to meet someone where they are, or where you think they are in terms of how they feel about you.

Past experience can train you into thinking thoughts about yourself that have come from other people when they were out of alignment with who they truly are.

For example, if you have been trained to think of yourself as inferior in any way, this inferiority complex will start to walk into situations on your behalf, and you will start to emanate even more insecurity.

Instead of trying (and often unconsciously trying) to bring yourself down to try to match what you think someone will think of you, choose how you actually want to feel, and take other people out of the equation.

This can take some practice because it's normal to adjust your energy to match the thoughts and opinions of other people, but it makes you a slave to other people’s opinions that you actually don't have any interest in.

The apparent interest in what people think is just trained from trying to fit in, gain favor or from trying to keep yourself safe in some way when you were younger.

Now you can start to ease yourself into how you actually want to feel about yourself. Ask yourself the question:

How do I want to feel about myself?

I want to feel strong
I want to feel powerful
I want to feel good
I want to feel independent
I want to feel rich
I want to feel happy
I want to feel free

And then gradually lean towards these energies instead of habitually leaning into what your conditioned mind is used to thinking and feeling

If any of you listen to or read the word of Abraham Hicks, you can ask yourself:

How does my inner being (or the universe) see me? How does my inner being feel about me?

You could argue that all of this is quite ego-based and creates a distinction between you and your inner being or the universal self, but when you ask the question with a simple innocence, you will start to notice that how your truest deepest self feels about you is absent of negativity, is only positive and empowering, and it actually leads to an alignment with who you truly are, because you are no longer carrying a resistive or negative image of yourself in your mind.

It’s simply about changing the habit of thought. Instead of believing what you have been told about yourself, you begin to consciously decide which energy you would like to embody and create more of in your life. If you don’t need a reason to feel good or empowered, and instead your priority is opening yourself up to more positive energies, then you are on the path to freedom.

I hope that makes sense. Questions are welcome.


Inner Peace Now > Emotional Wellness > Social Anxiety And Insecurity