The Gratitude Hack

Feeling Grateful Without A Reason…

Feeling gratitude or appreciation can feel hard if you are focused on something you don't want. Hopefully this video can help to show that gratitude can be easier to experience when we no longer demand an object for it at first...

The gratitude hack is to not demand a reason to feel grateful, and instead focus on the unconditional feeling…

Transcribed Version:

There can be a lot of talk about the benefits of gratitude and how it's very beneficial to feel grateful or appreciative for things, and I agree.

Sometimes for some people it feels like a challenge because their attention is so much on what they don't want or how things aren't going as they want to be, or how things aren't as good as they could be.

Sometimes we can be focused more on the not so good stuff instead of the good stuff, and in a state of resistance. So if you ever struggle to feel appreciation or gratitude, a little trick is to not need to give yourself a reason, at least at first.

If you can't find a reason to be grateful or feel appreciation for anything - that's OK. 

If you stop needing a reason to feel it, stop needing an object to place appreciation on - then it's easier to have that experience or have that feeling or have that energy within you.

If you just start to say the words “thank you”…it doesn't have to be “thank you” to anything.

“Thank you.”

…Or asking yourself “how does gratitude feel? How does it feel to be grateful? I’m not saying I have to be grateful for anything…but how does it feel?” Asking that question or just saying “thank you” five times while your mind is maybe resisting it, saying why you shouldn’t be saying “thank you”…

If you carry on with the feeling or that practice or that little experiment, unconditionally, not needing a condition  to place your gratitude on…

THEN you start to regain control of your own energy basically, not control in a manipulative way but in a more conscious way where you can use your own energy and open yourself up to higher energies more efficiently.

Then gradually as your sense of gratitude rises, you naturally see things to appreciate.

Of course for other people, they can make a list of things they want to appreciate or be grateful for, and they can feel the appreciation, and if you’re at that stage then that’s fantastic, just do that. Whatever works for you works for you. Whatever feels good feels good. And ultimately all this really is about feeling good or feeling whole, and it can be argued that feelings are not permanent, but all the good feelings come from what you really are, they are emanations of your own source. And when you feel good, everything’s much easier. You’re more intelligent, interactions happen much faster (or more easily), you become more attractive to things.

And it makes for an enjoyable life. If you feel good, you have a much more enjoyable life. And surely that’s what it’s all about.

Inner Peace Now > Finding Inner Peace > The Gratitude Hack