The Mantra Of "Thank You"

Hello everyone,

I enjoyed the Zoom call last week with those of you who attended. It was great to see you and to answer some of your questions.

I will continue with the meetings at a similar time, but probably once every three weeks.

Next week is Easter, so I will schedule the next meeting for 11th April. I will send out an invitation nearer the time, and rather than charging a set fee, I will include a donation link. Then if you want to support me and have some kind of exchange then that is great (with an amount that feels good to you, rather than an amount that you think you should give). But for those that don’t want to donate, the meeting is still open to you.

A key point from last week’s meeting:

A feeling of uneasiness or even a sense of doom around life is a defence mechanism conditioned by your past. It is like a crazy well-meaning friend who tries to convince you that if you remain focused on things you don’t want, then you will have a better chance of avoiding them.

Unfortunately the crazy friend doesn’t realise that the more your energy is focused on unwanted things or a lack of what you want - the more effective you become at noticing and even attracting more of these things. Think of yourself as an energy being. Your energy affects your surroundings. If this is the case, the negative energy (even if it thinks it is helping you to protect yourself), actually keeps you stuck in an energy and a reality that you don’t want to be in.

Thank the crazy friend for trying, but realise there is a craziness to it. If you can go as far as to thank it for trying to help, the more easily it is to feel the vibration of “thank you” in your body.

Try saying “thank you” for absolutely no reason and to no one, but within yourself, for just a few minutes.

If you play that game, you will build a power of focus and begin to re-shift your energy to a place where negativity no longer likes to be. If it returns, it is weaker, and simply acts as a reminder that you are not fully aligned with who you are. It just signals that you are in fear instead of power.

The crazy friend actually starts to become helpful –  he warns you when you are out of alignment, when you have strayed away from the natural good energy that is within you, that you may need to practice re-orientating yourself with.

We are usually trained away from our own alignment and wellbeing. Our upbringing can be more about lack and fear than anything else, and so we start to think that these mental and emotional states are normal and necessary to survive. Start to play the game of re-orientation, the inner mantra of “thank you” for just a few minutes, until it builds its own momentum, and starts to take over the momentum of past painful thinking.

Gradually the words of “thank you” become a feeling, and then the feeling is recognised as a frequency of energy or state of being that is very much in alignment with your natural positive power. It is much more orientated with a sense of abundance.

Hopefully that can help for now. Here are the details of the next Zoom meeting (an hour earlier for some of you since the clocks have just moved forward here in the UK):

Date: Sunday 25th April

Time: 4pm UK Time

          11am Eastern Time (EDT)

 If you attended the last meeting – you don’t have to do anything – I will send you another invitation.

 If more of you would like to attend the next meeting, just fill in the quick form below and I will send you an invitation before the meeting.

 All the best,
