feeling gratitude

How To Feel Gratitude - For No Reason

How To Feel Gratitude - For No Reason

If your life situation is not how you would ideally like it to be, feeling grateful can be difficult because we are conditioned resist what we don’t like so that we may one day get what we do like. We are rarely taught to live vibrationally.

If we believe we need a REASON to feel grateful, for some people they feel as if they have far more good reasons to feel thoroughly ungrateful.

Can I Bring Acceptance Into A Job I Do Not Like?

Can I Bring Acceptance Into A Job I Do Not Like?

Hi Adam,

Love your books and online meditations. They have helped me accept the anxiety or "feeling" as I now call it as its easier to accept that way.

One question I have and I think I already know the answer is. I am in a job I dislike, the job itself is fine but it's a desk job and feels wrong to be sitting at a desk for 7 hours a day. I have tried to accept it but find it difficult. Is the next step to accept the resistance to the job?