
Inspired Action And Procrastination

Inspired Action And Procrastination

Is reluctance to do some activity a signal from my inner being?

I have lots of moments of deep reluctance to do some activity. Take, for example, my blog writing. Or housework. Or exercise. At other times, there seems to be a willingness to do the same things. So I feel it's not the activity per se I am not ready to do. But I can't understand why I have these times of deep reluctance.

How To Do The Things You Hate To Do?

Procrastination is usually when we see a task as somehow painful, and we wish to avoid it. It is not unnatural to wish to avoid pain, so the first thing you can do is let yourself. Let yourself procrastinate if that’s what is happening. In a total allowance of it, without condemning it or wishing it be different, you may naturally gain some insights about it...