What Does The Universe Think?

The Universal Mind

Hello everyone,

Here's a simple trick you can use if you ever feel as if your mind is stuck in a negative pattern. I hope it helps...

If we are feeling troubled, it's usually because we are stuck in our own heads, believing thoughts that feel private to us, and very true at the same time. When we become very dependent on our own personal thoughts to understand life and the world around us, things become painful if these same thoughts become negative.

If you want to get out of your own head, you have to be willing to see things from another perspective. The simple question that can be asked, is:

What does the universe think about this?

This question can easily be dismissed by a negative mind. It can say: "the universe doesn’t care", "the universe doesn’t have an opinion," "it doesn’t matter what the universe thinks". Or our attention can be so stuck inside the personal realm, it can feel hard to even entertain the question.

But if you are open to even entertaining the question, that means you are closer to freedom than you think. If something is troubling your mind, treat it as an experiment, a curiosity, almost a game, just so you can see what the answer is. Just ask, "what does the universe think about this?"

Then wait for a response, rather than trying to guess or produce one yourself.

Asking the question takes you out of your tiny, private mind, and it plugs you into your universal one. It plugs your attention back into the source of intelligence itself. It puts you in touch with a broader perspective, a creative intelligence that focuses on the potential of things, rather than the past results of things.

It allows you to receive high quality thoughts, instead of trying to make them up for yourself.

Give yourself a break from trying to out-think life and other people. Ask yourself what the universe thinks about something, instead.

I hope this has been helpful, thanks for reading,
