Practical Inner Peace 1

Inspired Action And Procrastination

Inspired Action And Procrastination

Is reluctance to do some activity a signal from my inner being?

I have lots of moments of deep reluctance to do some activity. Take, for example, my blog writing. Or housework. Or exercise. At other times, there seems to be a willingness to do the same things. So I feel it's not the activity per se I am not ready to do. But I can't understand why I have these times of deep reluctance.

Dealing With Stress At Work

Dealing With Stress At Work

Can you give tips on how to help me clear my mind? I’ve recently taken on a job that has the most responsibility I’ve handled, and it’s been hard to stop thinking about work when I’m not at work. I’m suffering from burn-out, mental ,and physical fatigue. I spent much time learning my new job outside of work hours. There was little training so I learned most things alone. I’ve been so consumed with doing a good job, I have difficulty disconnecting my mind from work topics, even when I should be relaxing at home…