The Value Of Nothing

The Value Of Nothing

Sometimes you have to spend some time, really doing nothing. Not even meditating, or trying to meditate. Not doing anything. It does not even have to be for long. There is so much value in just closing off from the world temporarily to let your mind begin to sort itself out, or rather, to allow the intelligence of stillness to break through into the mind again...

How To Deal With Inner Resistance - Guided Meditation

How To Deal With Inner Resistance - Guided Meditation

A common question I get asked is how to let go of inner resistance to one's own thoughts, emotions and feelings. People seem to have glimpses of freedom, only for resistance to return, and apparently become unshakeable. If this is something that rings true for you, this guided meditation may help.

A Tip For Social Anxiety

A Tip For Social Anxiety

One of the biggest underlying causes of social anxiety can be the belief or feeling that a certain outcome will mean that "I" will die. Not physically, but psychologically. 

If the whole room is judging you in a certain way, or laughing at you for something, it is easy to feel as if you are shrinking down to nothing without your old identity to rely on anymore. We feel as if something like that will mean we will lose who we are, as if we are dying in some way. And that can be scary...

Yes! I'm Finally Depressed!

Yes! I'm Finally Depressed!

What if you were born into a world that told you this:

“There will be a time when depression comes for you. It doesn’t always come for everyone, but if it comes for you, we want you to be aware of it. When it does come, if it does come, then tell us. We will arrange a party...

Comparison - The Killer Of Joy

Comparison - The Killer Of Joy

We usually have unconsious reasons for doing things. Comparing yourself and your life to other people’s for example, is probably a habit of ours as we think we can assess ourselves or how well we are doing. It is how we are used to gauging how good or bad we are, or how good or bad our life is...

Liberation From Thought

Liberation From Thought

When we trust our own thoughts to be the complete truth of things, then thought can become a ruling monster. If we see that thoughts are not the full reality, that they are only attempts to understand the world, not actually anything to do with what is being interpreted, then there is some space, some freedom...