
Liberation From Thought

Liberation From Thought

When we trust our own thoughts to be the complete truth of things, then thought can become a ruling monster. If we see that thoughts are not the full reality, that they are only attempts to understand the world, not actually anything to do with what is being interpreted, then there is some space, some freedom...

How To Deal With A Negative Body Image

How To Deal With A Negative Body Image

Well, what is a negative body image? A thought. It is not your body, it is a thought ABOUT the body that is believed, perhaps supported by other humans and then regarded as real.

It is likely that if you had not grown up in this particular society, you would not have any kind of negative body image in your mind. It is a kind of programming, a kind of conditioning to judge certain shapes as bad and others as good.

Where Does Ambition Go With Presence?

Where Does Ambition Go With Presence?

A common question seems to be “If I am present, if I am PRESENCE, then what about progress in life, what about ambition, how do I lead a full life if I am already at peace, not wanting so many things any more?"

My response is this...

How To Feel Gratitude - For No Reason

How To Feel Gratitude - For No Reason

If your life situation is not how you would ideally like it to be, feeling grateful can be difficult because we are conditioned resist what we don’t like so that we may one day get what we do like. We are rarely taught to live vibrationally.

If we believe we need a REASON to feel grateful, for some people they feel as if they have far more good reasons to feel thoroughly ungrateful.

How To Be Happy - Resistance Is What Hurts

How To Be Happy - Resistance Is What Hurts

What hurts is the resistance. If you had a thought of something bad, what makes it seem offensive or disturbing is the fact that another energy inside contracts and tries to push back against it. If you are experiencing thoughts you don’t like, what makes it feel bad is the resistance to them, calling the thoughts bad, believing that they should not be there...

5 Ways To Deal With A Bad Mood

5 Ways To Deal With A Bad Mood

A bad mood is often like an irritable or heavy energy that takes over your body and mind. It sees through your eyes and thinks through your thoughts. It is an energy that descends for a while and then leaves. If you take it to be who you are, rather than an energy inside you, then it will feel more intimate and sometimes impossible to shake...

The Wisdom Of Not Knowing

The Wisdom Of Not Knowing

What do you know for sure? How many of your beliefs are based on the opinions of society? How many of your ideas have just come from other people?

Do we really know what is best for us?

The video below illustrates beautifully that rather than non-judgement being a result of some effort or practice to be more peaceful or spiritual, it naturally comes when you realise how little you know for sure...