Finding Inner Peace

Mythical Creatures Of The Forest...

After a number of years in the making, I have a new book that is available to buy, either in paperback or as an ebook. It is a culmination of most of the themes touched on in this website, all weaved within short stories and adventure tales that make for an enjoyable read as well as a spiritual experience...

How To Heal The Obsessive Mind And Overthinking Energies

How To Heal The Obsessive Mind And Overthinking Energies

The obsessive mind is fed by resistance. Whatever you feel you are obsessing over - yourself, someone else, a task, an event, a worry - whatever it is, notice that the very act of obsessing, is an attempt to get you out of it...

Are You Disturbed By Noise?

Are You Disturbed By Noise?

It might be a car alarm going off from a few streets over, it might be someone shouting next door, it might just be someone’s tone when they are speaking to you, it could even be someone complaining, radiating negativity, which makes you feel as if you are being dragged down.

The Abundance Within

The Abundance Within

...Also, when you are experimental, and feel: "Oh yes, it would be great to not need approval from this person," - you can experience that freedom instantly, in less than a second. It is not a matter of time. It is not a letting go process. When you are playful, experimental, it is easy to let go of things easily, and see how it feels to be free of something you were holding on to. And then when we look to see if we are in any way hindeered by this uncovered, free flowing state, we see that we do not have to bring back those old stagnant energies ever again, because they have no use for us anymore...

What To Do When Things "Go Wrong"

What To Do When Things "Go Wrong"

If something ever “goes wrong”, the way we often get unconsciously conditioned, usually just by copying a parent or other people, is to say “No” to the thing going wrong. Then often we take action to fix it, but this action carries a sense of “No”, a sense of struggle or contraction or resistance. Whatever is done in this state of mind, creates more of itself. It impregnates things with its own energy, and can end up making things go even more “wrong” further down the line...

The Fallacy Of Thought - How To Transcend The Mind And Have More Energy

The Fallacy Of Thought - How To Transcend The Mind And Have More Energy

"We are hindered and kept down in so many ways by believing that our thoughts are a literal representation of our circumstances, people, ourselves and things around us. It is an illusion. I say "banana", and you know what I am talking about, but the word "banana" is not what the thing is. In the same way, your thoughts about your mother or father or brother or sister or friends or foes or work or tasks or schedule or past or future or anything at all, are not what these things really are. It is an illusion. Thought is practical for survival, it is excellent as a creative tool, but to respond to the world with thoughts, and then believe that these thoughts are the things around you, means you can be trapped in a dream that you always thinking is real..."

5 Spiritual Conditionings To Be Free From

5 Spiritual Conditionings To Be Free From

Along the spiritual or even self-help path, we can accidentally pick up or even invent ideas that hold us back and restrict our flow. Here are five potential conditionings to notice in yourself, accept, eat them with your light and let them go back to the source…

Amnesia Of The Self - Sunday Short Story

Amnesia Of The Self - Sunday Short Story

A man woke up in the middle of a dirt road. Half of his face had brown dirt covering it, and his hair was a mess. His shirt was ragged, and he had lost a shoe. His vision was all blurry, and he was squinting in the sunlight, struggling to make use of his eyes...

Controlling Things With Your Mind

Controlling Things With Your Mind

Can you control a situation with your mind?

Recently I was speaking with someone who was becoming stressed over a situation. A good thing was about to happen, it seemed as if it was all going to go smoothly, and then a very slight hiccup suggested that it was not yet in the bag, it was not yet a certain, done deal...

How To Deal With A Negative Body Image

How To Deal With A Negative Body Image

Well, what is a negative body image? A thought. It is not your body, it is a thought ABOUT the body that is believed, perhaps supported by other humans and then regarded as real.

It is likely that if you had not grown up in this particular society, you would not have any kind of negative body image in your mind. It is a kind of programming, a kind of conditioning to judge certain shapes as bad and others as good.

Where Does Ambition Go With Presence?

Where Does Ambition Go With Presence?

A common question seems to be “If I am present, if I am PRESENCE, then what about progress in life, what about ambition, how do I lead a full life if I am already at peace, not wanting so many things any more?"

My response is this...

Beware Of The Clone Life

Beware Of The Clone Life

“It’s a miserable day, isn’t it?” he said. I looked outside and it was raining. It was not miserable. He was miserable.

“Bloody rain,” he said. How are we gonna go out in this weather?”

We had planned to ride our bikes. The forecast had said it was sunny, and he always trusted the forecasts...