Grounding Meditation

Grounding Meditation

Grounding is a great way to reconnect the energy of your body with the earth, and give your mind a rest from constant thinking. This meditation is ideal if you find it hard to fall asleep, if you want to wake up gently, or if you need a reconnection to some power during the day. Also great to let go of any stress...

Dealing With Negative Family Members - Video

Dealing With Negative Family Members - Video

A recent question was asked about dealing with someone who always expects you to do things for them with nothing in return. I hope my response is useful for anyone else dealing with a similar thing. How to deal with negative family members is easiest when...

How To Meditate - An Easy Guide To Meditation For Beginners

How To Meditate - An Easy Guide To Meditation For Beginners

If you'd like to slow down or speed up this meditation video for the breathing guide, just use the cog-shaped button in the bottom right of the video...

Breathe fully, as if you are breathing from the floor up...

I hope this meditation video for beginners shed some light on how to meditate. Let me know if it was useful in the comments, or if you have any questions, feel free to ask...

How To Use Your Mind Creatively — Part 1

Our minds are always being creative. They might be stuck in loops, re-creating what they’ve already produced, or creating things that we don’t particularly like, but they are always being creative in some way. This article aims to show you how to use your mind to bring fresh things into the world...

Releasing The Need For Approval - Wisdom Sticks

We are often trained in approval.

Get the approval, get the good report card, have people think highly of you, be seen as valuable in the eyes of others.


Probably because there is safety in being valued or approved of. Perhaps it’s part of our evolutionary minds, where being approved of meant that we were more likely to survive and be supported in communities or tribes...