Your Relationship With The Universe

Your Relationship With The Universe

You may have heard the advice:

Ask yourself - what is your relationship with the present moment? Are you in resistance or are you in alignment? Are you fighting the present moment or allowing it and therefore being moved by it?

A similar question that might lead to even more powerful results is:

What is your relationship with the universe?

Inspired Action And Procrastination

Inspired Action And Procrastination

Is reluctance to do some activity a signal from my inner being?

I have lots of moments of deep reluctance to do some activity. Take, for example, my blog writing. Or housework. Or exercise. At other times, there seems to be a willingness to do the same things. So I feel it's not the activity per se I am not ready to do. But I can't understand why I have these times of deep reluctance.

Accepting or Suppressing Emotions?

Accepting or Suppressing Emotions?

This week I thought it might be useful to share a few words on nonresistance when it comes to inner peace...

To be in a state of nonresistance doesn't mean you have to grit your teeth and suffer any emotions. It just means you aren't pushing against yourself anymore; it means you aren't trying so hard to fix yourself into a certain frame of mind and struggling as a result.

Choosing Power Over Painful Thoughts

Choosing Power Over Painful Thoughts

Hello everyone,

Someone suggested I share some examples of questions I answer during one-to-one sessions. My responses always reflect whoever I am talking to. Someone might be very into "spiritual" topics already, while someone else might just want a way to feel more free. Here is an example of someone who was already following a particular practice who wanted help. I hope it's useful...

Social Anxiety And Insecurity

Social Anxiety And Insecurity

In addition to last week’s article on self-acceptance, here is something for anyone who deals with social anxiety or a feeling of inferiority around others:

A lot of insecurity can come from approaching a situation and trying to meet someone where they are, or where you think they are in terms of how they feel about you.

How To Find Self-Acceptance

How To Find Self-Acceptance

From very early on we are trained to get validation and approval and love from other people. It feels good when people are shining good energy on to you, it feels nice, and it helps to ease any resistance you have against yourself. Unfortunately, people can be fickle, their minds can change, and at the drop of a hat, they can suddenly find you less acceptable, or even unlikable, and you might be left waiting for someone’s permission to let down the barriers to loving or accepting yourself once again.

Wilfred and Alburtha - A Short Story With A Message

Wilfred and Alburtha - A Short Story With A Message

I wished I could have said that there were no witches in the forest, but there were. There was just one witch that I’d heard stories about, a cold, ugly witch, who lived alone in the forest in a hole in the ground. She would crawl into the hole at night, the hole only just about big enough for her body, and then she would emerge in the mornings, with her broom, looking tired and haggard and old, scratching her head and smacking her lips.

Commentaries on Seng Ts'an's "Faith Mind"

Commentaries on Seng Ts'an's "Faith Mind"

Recently when I shared Seng Tsan's Verses on a Faith Mind on my Sunday Wisdom newsletter, people seemed to respond very well. Since then I have had a few questions about portions of the text, what they mean, and how they can apply to everyday life. I'll do my best to answer these questions, while expanding on some of the lines where it might be helpful.

Today we will look at the opening verse:

Dealing With Isolation During Coronavirus

Dealing With Isolation During Coronavirus

How can I stop feeling depressed and flat and empty? Nothing seems to excite me or motive me, and I feel stuck in this limbo dead state. Since this coronavirus isolation I've been at home, and I have felt so empty with nothing-ness, just a bland state of being and flat emotionally. I am looking for things to motive me and change my focus for some excitement but nothing seems to really motivate me emotionally . People ring me and I must sound really down and just empty inside.

A Tale Of Two Ninja Kids - Book 1 - A Martial Arts Adventure Story

A Tale Of Two Ninja Kids - Book 1 - A Martial Arts Adventure Story

There were two young ninjas who lived on opposite sides of the world.

One was a young boy living in Japan, who had been born into a family of ninjas. His name was Myasako. He always wanted to be like one of the normal boys, able to relax and play and laugh and have fun after school. His was a life of hard work and discipline. He was trained to be a killer, an assassin that could move silently, and for those kinds of skills to be developed, his father expected nothing but total commitment from his son…

Dealing With Stress At Work

Dealing With Stress At Work

Can you give tips on how to help me clear my mind? I’ve recently taken on a job that has the most responsibility I’ve handled, and it’s been hard to stop thinking about work when I’m not at work. I’m suffering from burn-out, mental ,and physical fatigue. I spent much time learning my new job outside of work hours. There was little training so I learned most things alone. I’ve been so consumed with doing a good job, I have difficulty disconnecting my mind from work topics, even when I should be relaxing at home…