How To Let Go

How To Let Go

People might be asking how to let go of the past, how to let go of the future, how to let go of emotions, how to let go of thoughts, how to let go of anger, how to let go of pain, how to let go of someone you love, or how to let go of things that you feel are holding you back.

The simple question to ask, is whether these thoughts/feelings or the habit of clinging, is actually helping you. Does thinking about the situation that makes you angry, resolve the situation? Does being unhappy improve your life? Does the constant mental noise create good things? Does holding onto someone psychologically actually bring healing to any relationship?

The Fallacy Of Thought - How To Transcend The Mind And Have More Energy

The Fallacy Of Thought - How To Transcend The Mind And Have More Energy

"We are hindered and kept down in so many ways by believing that our thoughts are a literal representation of our circumstances, people, ourselves and things around us. It is an illusion. I say "banana", and you know what I am talking about, but the word "banana" is not what the thing is. In the same way, your thoughts about your mother or father or brother or sister or friends or foes or work or tasks or schedule or past or future or anything at all, are not what these things really are. It is an illusion. Thought is practical for survival, it is excellent as a creative tool, but to respond to the world with thoughts, and then believe that these thoughts are the things around you, means you can be trapped in a dream that you always thinking is real..."

Sunday Short Story - The Simple Bird

Sunday Short Story - The Simple Bird

A bird was flying across the sky. It landed on a lawn. The air was fresh, the breeze was light, and the sun was cool. The bird noticed someone crying in the distance, sitting on a lawn chair outside of a house.

When the crying had finished, the bird flew over to the person, who now looked corpse-like on the chair.

"What's happened?" chirped the bird.

"I'm not sure if I'll ever get the job I want," said the person, with a tone of resignation.

The Intelligent Life

The Intelligent Life

It is valuable to notice where your thoughts come from. If you notice where they come from, where they originate from, then they will become more creative. Being lost in mental noise can mean our minds become stagnant, repetitive, conditioned. Giving space to the noise and being aware of the source, aids renewed energy and creativity...

Eat What Bothers You

Eat What Bothers You

Everyone tends to have thoughts or regrets or emotions or beliefs or worries or anything else inside that bothers them. It might be something that you think you missed out on, made a mistake on, or a belief that you feel is hard to shake, but is holding you back in life...

5 Spiritual Conditionings To Be Free From

5 Spiritual Conditionings To Be Free From

Along the spiritual or even self-help path, we can accidentally pick up or even invent ideas that hold us back and restrict our flow. Here are five potential conditionings to notice in yourself, accept, eat them with your light and let them go back to the source…

Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness - Introduction

Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness - Introduction

The aim is not to stop feeling emotions. Let all emotions come. This book aims to show that emotions are not wrong or bad, and need not be clung to or given such great importance. Emotions are fleeting, they are not meant to be held and kept, they are energy movements that come and go. To hold and cling on to emotions is a habit of the human mind, and it ends up creating great inner turmoil.

Amnesia Of The Self - Sunday Short Story

Amnesia Of The Self - Sunday Short Story

A man woke up in the middle of a dirt road. Half of his face had brown dirt covering it, and his hair was a mess. His shirt was ragged, and he had lost a shoe. His vision was all blurry, and he was squinting in the sunlight, struggling to make use of his eyes...

Controlling Things With Your Mind

Controlling Things With Your Mind

Can you control a situation with your mind?

Recently I was speaking with someone who was becoming stressed over a situation. A good thing was about to happen, it seemed as if it was all going to go smoothly, and then a very slight hiccup suggested that it was not yet in the bag, it was not yet a certain, done deal...